A Medication’s Journey

A seemingly insignificant capsule, which we will call Mr. Capsule in this story, is manufactured in a very big and very significant city. From there, Mr. Capsule begins his 11 hour journey to his first stop.

Upon his arrival, he is then repacked into a plastic “tote box” together with other fellow medications, and probably some other much-needed supplies, before being loaded onto Vehicle # 2, which then takes this little capsule on another journey of about 4 hours. From there, he is loaded onto Vehicle # 3 and taken on yet another bouncy, curvy journey, this one a bit shorter at about 3 hours.

Upon arriving at this location, Mr. Capsule is then loaded and crammed onto Vehicle # 4, this vehicle happens to float and is constantly drenched in muddy but cool river water. After about a 1.5 hour swim, Mr. Capsule arrives at his next stop. It is at this stop that Mr. Capsule is loaded onto Vehicle # 5 and soon begins wishing that he was a Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) capsule as he is carried over some very rugged terrain. He is carried up, down and across mountains, rivers and streams, around nauseating switchbacks and hairpin turns. Catching an occasional glimpse of mountain summit views at some of the most remote and rarely seen scenery in this beautiful country.

After this very dusty, or very muddy journey (depending on the weather), Mr. Capsule finally arrives at his destination. He is then welcomed and unpacked by the eager hands of one of EMA’s Physician Assistant (PA) students and proudly placed on the shelf of one of the best stocked clinic pharmacies anywhere around the area. At some point in the very near future, he will be dispensed by one of EMA’s Year 4 PA students. He will then be placed into the grateful hands of a patient who will carefully take Mr. Capsule per the clear instructions of the PA student and finally at long last, after almost 25 hours of strenuous travel, Mr. Capsule is released to do the wonderful healing that he was created to do. And that my friends, is the Journey of Mr. Capsule to the Rain Tree Clinic.


Tyler is an ER/trauma nurse from USA (Georgia) who is currently working as the PA Training Coordinator for Year 2 in Ler Doh. He also is a clinical trainer and helps with Student Life in Ler Doh.


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