EM Asia staff EM Asia staff

From the Field

Interviews for new students will be held at the Rain Tree Clinic starting on February 24. Student interviews, testing, and medical exams will take 5 days. Community leaders will accompany their candidates, journeying from all over Karen State to compete for this opportunity for free collegiate-level education—one that equips them to change their people’s future…

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Dr. Mitch Ryan Dr. Mitch Ryan

Evisceration and Revelation

Last night, around 1 a.m., our team began emergency surgery on HayMooPaw, a five-year-old girl severely injured in a Burma Army airstrike. As our team operated, I prayed.

Often, my prayers struggle to compete with the echo chamber of my own thoughts, but last night, …

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Dr. Mitch Ryan Dr. Mitch Ryan

So Others May Live (Part 1)

I want people to open their hearts to care about these people that I believe God cares about, both the villagers and medical professionals. I don't know exactly what viewers will do with that, but I hope they pray for them, maybe they will support the medical mission or maybe they will join God in some other way…

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EM Asia staff EM Asia staff

From the Field

We already have exciting things happening to kick off the new year! Zu Zae Nar and Baw Baw (PA graduates from 2021 and 2022, respectively) got married! Meanwhile, Thit Paw and Kaw Tha Blay (PA graduates from 2021 and 2022, respectively) have a new little girl, Teresa Moo…

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Dan Ryan Dan Ryan

The Jungle Engineering Newsletter

It has been at least one month since the rains quit. Roads in Karen state are now passable for a truck in low 4 wheel drive for the first time since late May. Overall, the equipment and infrastructure are working amazingly well…

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Dr. Mitch Ryan Dr. Mitch Ryan

A Karen Christmas

TahKer, a 39-year-old Karen mother of two and staff member at Rain Tree Clinic (RTC), is a deeply spiritual person who feels at home even in places far beyond most of our comfort zones—including my own. I had the privilege of speaking with her about Karen Christmas traditions and the experiences that have shaped her faith…

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EM Asia staff EM Asia staff

From the Field

For our American friends and family, November is a month of thankfulness. With natural disasters and political strife affecting friends and family all over the world, we are yet again reminded that choosing gratitude takes courage….

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Hannah Alexander Hannah Alexander

The Faith to Serve

Saw Moo Kler Taw was one of ten students selected for our very first class of EM Physician Associates in 2016. After finishing the five-year program at the end of 2020, he quickly went home to his district in Northern Karen State alongside two of our other graduates …

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Dr. Mitch Ryan Dr. Mitch Ryan

So Others May Live

A heavily pregnant woman arrived at our frontline mobile surgical clinic on a rainy day. She was too weak to walk, so her neighbors carried her for several hours to our makeshift facility. At the age of 40, with nine previous pregnancies, her body had spent more than half of its time on earth nurturing new life…

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Dan Ryan Dan Ryan

The Jungle Engineering Newsletter

Civil war has many victims. The poor struggle to find food and shelter. Young men are maimed and killed. Leaders send young men to battle. Wives are left behind to raise kids and eke out a living. People suffer from lack of medicine and medical care…

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EM Asia staff EM Asia staff

From the Field

Please pray for our Karen staff's Stand and Walk Again vision, dedicated to young individuals who have lost their legs in the war as they defended their country, families, and loved ones from the military coup. Pray for God's wisdom to develop the necessary skills and for His provision of bionic prostheses…

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Dr. Mitch Ryan Dr. Mitch Ryan

The Whisper

… the gate agent announced, bringing my mind back to the painful realities of the next 48 hours. After nearly three months of traveling, Caryl and I were in our little Arkansas airport, heading back to Asia. We had traveled thousands of miles, telling the story of our Earth Mission team to anyone who would listen…

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EM Asia staff EM Asia staff

From the Field

A Karen Song
“I beseech You on behalf of my country, pleading for the end of evil, against the rejection of Your love, and for the end of unrighteousness.

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EM Asia staff EM Asia staff

From the Field

Much has happened in the past few weeks. Even in the middle of rainy season—and the ongoing war—joy permeates our students and staff as they work hard to pursue a greater purpose together. Thank you for being a part of the journey!

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EM Asia staff EM Asia staff

So Others May Live

We’re here in Karen State to make high-quality healthcare accessible to every family in this remote jungle region. But without skilled, behind-the-scenes technicians to build and maintain critical infrastructure—ambulances, supply logistics, electricity, buildings, and more—this would be impossible…

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Bway H. Bway H.

Jungle Survival Skills Training

Jungle Survival skills are crucial in remote areas, even though we don't need them much in modern life. Boot camp students learn these skills before joining the Earth Mission Physician Associate (PA) and Engineering Technician (E-Tech) programs. They're trained to go on 24-hour trips in the jungle …

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EM Asia staff EM Asia staff

The Strength to Serve

We are wrapping up one of our favorite times of the year—student selection season! This is when the newest cohort of Physician Associates and Engineering Techs is selected to enter our higher education programs. In the midst of a war-torn country that doesn’t support education, these students are hopeful. They dream of helping their people…

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Dr. Mitch Ryan Dr. Mitch Ryan

Step by Step, part 2

It’s Holy Week. Like continents colliding, it's the colossal clash of betrayal, suffering, and death against the powers of forgiveness, love, and life. Most fully in Jesus, but to different degrees and outcomes, we see it in the lives of the disciples, Judas, and other men and women close to Jesus. Today, I am led to the inner storm happening in Peter…

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Dr. Mitch Ryan Dr. Mitch Ryan

Step by Step, part 1

"But Adonai is with me like a dreaded warrior." Jeremiah 20:11

Orcs sniffing for hobbits. A drone passes overhead, hunting over the jungle for hours. The fact that it prowls for its prey through the night means it's probably using thermal imaging. We've camouflaged our Operating Room tent with cane and our ambulances with mud …

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Naw Hser Naw Hser

Leading with Love

When I was young, my grandfather was hospitalized with a perforation of the stomach. He underwent surgery. Medicine and hospital fees were too expensive. The medical staff were not pleasant. When they were dressing my grandfather's wounds…

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