Another Year has Gone by
Thankful to be able to see so many of you when Mitch and I traveled to the US in October and November. We had not been able to travel internationally for 2 years.
We met Gwen in person (now 15 months old) and really enjoyed seeing our other grand girls, our kids, our 4 parents and so many other family and friends.
We thought 2020 was strange and unusual, but 2021 outdid 2020! This ongoing change is stressful.
Our resilient EMA staff continued to impress this year on top of COVID restrictions changing life by the day and month and the coup in Myanmar adding to the many program changes we have had to make.
Our staff in all locations did amazingly well – 40 staff at our T-RAD clinic, 15 staff at our RTC clinic, 13 staff in Chiang Mai, and 3 in the USA.
As we traveled, we asked all of you to read our EMA Yearbook and to pray for each member in the book- both staff and students.
“Being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy.” Colossians 1:11 ESV
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from T-RAD staff