LAB Classroom – Ler Doh, Myanmar

In the Lab classroom at EMA’s T-RAD Clinic, Year 3 PA students are gaining confidence in the lab. Using four microscopes, including an Olympus CX 43 with a camera port for digital imaging, they can learn in real time as slides are prepared.

A cell count will be wrong if the slide is not perfectly clean, prepared and stained precisely. Identifying cell types in malaria, using gram stains and examining stool or urine sample are teaching examples. 

This advance lab unit is key for students to diagnose based on what they see through the lens. Biochemistry machines and rapid diagnostic tests may not exist yet in remote areas but the ability to prepare a slide, take a critical look and diagnose can happen anywhere there is a Physician Assistant with a microscope. 

Thank you, EMA donors for funding that brought the locally purchased microscopes to our students! 

Sara Sauder

Sara is an EMA PA Assistant Training Coordinator & a Clinical Trainer in Ler Doh (Kyaukkyi). She and her husband Jon (EMA IT and Admin.) specialize -by His grace- in conflict resolution and the love of learning all things with their 5 children ages 3-13 years.


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